Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Candy Man Can and Other News

The semester is almost over,(Thank Goodness!)and summer is coming. Wes has been job searching and will have 2 jobs this summer. First, he will be working at a chocolate store at the Salt Lake City airport. This is an awesome deal for me! All the broken or "unsellable" chocolate, comes home with my husband. Second, he has a part time job with a web company called Novell. This is very exciting news because, since he is studying computer science, he now has a "foot in the door" that will give him good experience, and he will be able to practice all the things he has been learning in school.
I will still be working as a waitress at CPK, but my good news is... The End is in Sight! Since I changed schools and majors 2 years ago, I basically had to start over. So, I have one class this summer, fall semester, than a semester with my capstone class and 2 others I need to complete my degree. So I'm happy to say that one year from today, I will finally be graduating! (After 6 years of school, it's about time right?) I had trouble deciding, when I transferred, between something easy and quick, or something I love and will use. I chose the later. I will have a bachelor's in Exercise and Sport Science with an emphasis in Physiology, and am also Pre-Med. So many options! I can become a doctor, a paramedic if I don't want to do Med school a PA or even a mother! Oh the possibilities! After 5 years of feeling I will never be out of school, I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!
SO this summer, besides a Lake Powell trip, Wes and I will be working,studying and spending time with our niece and nephews! Now all I need is for the sun to come out!